Le marathon de Paris
The 41st Marathon de Paris is happening tomorrow, Sunday 9th of April. This year, more than 60 000 runners /coureurs are expected to take up the challenge / relever le défi on a course that will take them through the centre of the capital / la capitale, starting from Les Champs Elysées and finishing in Avenue Foch.
There is one change this year though ….. initiated by the Salon du Running, held at Porte de Versailles on the 7th and 8th April for the participants to pick up their number / dossard and for the public to discover the latest in running equipement and gadgets…. : From now on the French won’t say “faire du jogging” anymore, it is so uncool/ringard !…. they will say “faire du running“! I know! ….another English word!…. but you see “courir” is just walking very fast and “faire la course” is to run a race, so we needed another word, a different word, one that signifies a purpose and a cool activity : le running!
Besides, this word “course” is already overused….
faire la course : to run a race / une course à pied, une course à cheval, etc….
payer la course : to pay the taxi fare
aller faire une course : to run an errand
faire les courses : do the food shopping