Useful links
These are a few recommendations from Cassis French Tuition, for your enjoyment and lots of practice…
Connaissiez-vous l’expression “faire chabrot” ?
On a trouvé 52 bonnes nouvelles en 2020 ….Ça s’arrose !
Miam ! Les gougères au fromage ! Parfaites en apéritif !
Ça fait plaisir !
Les oeufs en meurette à la maison !
Le jardin sur les toits de Paris
If you have not tried this cheese you have not lived…. 
That looks like a very interesting little museum !
Qui est donc le nouveau Premier ministre, Jean Castex ?
Et vous ? Que ferez-vous après le déconfinement ?
La douleur du personnel hospitalier au temps du Coronavirus (un court film)
L’amour-prison ….
Le superbe pont de Millau, qui relie Le Havre à Honfleur (un peu difficile à comprendre mais les images sont soufflantes!)
Pour les fans d’Albert Camus
An app to teach French to migrants. Isn’t this an excellent idea??
Un peu d’espoir pour nos petits villages….
A lovely interview with Bernadette Deprés, creator of the much loved French comic “Tom Tom et Nana” :
Oh, la, la!!! J’adore le Paris-Brest !!!
Les déserts médicaux en France, c’est du sérieux !
Un village français sans sa boulangerie n’est rien
Le superbe Negresco de Nice
Le quotidien bien dur des navetteurs (commuters)
Bradley Cooper parle français!! Oh, la, la…Quel charme!
Porter une oeuvre d’art au poignet, ça vous dit?
Si vous aimez lire, cette excellente émission littéraire est pour vous!
7 tonnes de grenouilles au menu!!
Le très charmant Musée de Montmartre
Très dangereux!!! Des sables mouvants au Mont St Michel….
I used to love these little portraits! So Parisians!
L’une des grandes questions existentielles…..
Mme Tussauds’ ancestor in Paris -Le Musee Grevin- is having a facelift …
Trop rigolo! Number 1 is well done, 5/6 drive students crazy and 11 is just for fond memories!!!
Pour cuisiner comme un vrai pro…..
Pourquoi le 14 juillet?
Pourquoi bleu, blanc, rouge?
How to use Yabla, online video course to improve your knowledge of French language and culture.
How to use News in slow French and improve your listening and reading comprehension with current articles.
I bet you did not know all this!
Ah, la, la! Ça donne faim!
Mistakes foreigners invariably make when visiting France. This made me laugh!
Parlez-vous le Franglais? Faites le test!
À moi les séries policières françaises!!!
Un jambon beurre pour moi!
Les petites communes avec des noms cocasses :
À lire et puis à oublier très vite!
Pour tout faire comme une vraie Française…..
Les meilleures librairies de Paris
Comment choisir? Il y en a tant!
Ça alors! Je ne le savais pas !
Pour faire bonne impression à tous les coups !
Parce que nous adorons nous moquer un tout petit peu des Anglais….
Un livre sur les deux Paris
Les secrets du bilinguisme
Pourquoi parler anglais quand le mot juste existe aussi en français ?
Ces expressions qui confondent les étrangers…..
Les fleurons du savoir-faire français…..
Miam! Les nouveaux produits français!
Une bande dessinée très maligne!
Le 1er janvier n’a pas toujours été le 1er janvier…..
Acheter une maison en France…..
Les expressions cultes du Général De Gaulle :
Astérix et Obélix, la quintessence de l’esprit français !
Bien sur que le subjonctif existe en anglais!
Le Monopoly des rues de Paris
Un café, un chat et l’addition….
Malgré son nom c’est bien une bière parisienne!
Faire les vendanges en France….
Un café en terrasse à Paris en automne….
9 mots français à connaître à tout prix!
Quand je vous dis que les virgules sont importantes…!
Oh, c’est beau l’amour!!!
That made me laugh so much I have to share it with you! Not sure it will help your French, but maybe….?
If you have a Kindle or an MP3 and fancy some easy-readers in French. There are a few books by the same author and I highly recommend them.
Amazing podcasts to enjoy and practice every day….
Tips to really sounding French….
A guide to speaking Franglais……
Even the French struggle with grammar and spelling….
Very street-wise French expressions……..
Hmmmm! La raclette……
Asking basic questions in French
An excellent little exercice to learn how to form basic questions in French.
Bordel !
I know a LOT of you have been watching Spiral on BBC and are really enjoying it…. Here is a great quiz to practise your “street” French…..
An island of cheap, inefficient workers? Surely not!
for great French films each month! French nights are always popular, so you might want to book ahead, and if you arrive early in the café, you might be lucky enough to hear a couple of French groups chatting and getting all excited about the evening ahead…
Also keep an eye on l’Institut Français
in London, and their Ciné Lumière…… In a superbly comfortable room you can enjoy a whole afternoon of French classics. The French Institute regularly runs tributes to great figures of French cinema.
has many programmes especially designed for adult students. Go to their website and look for “Apprendre le français” in their drop down menu. “7 jours sur la planète” is particularly useful to hear the latest news and learn the relevant vocabulary.
The European Bookshop
For a great choice of French books, easy-to-read novels, comics, magazines, learning methods, etc… a visit to the European bookshop in London is well worth it.
Here is their website :
French news on the internet
To keep up to date with French news, watch the latest news bulletin or catch up on a few TV series, go to … or
To listen to great radio programmes on a variety of topics, go to…
Of course, we now have our very own French radio station in London ! Programmes are especially designed for the French-speaking community living in England, as well as for French-language-lovers. There is a free newsletter to subscribe to, lots of music, news items, and mini-articles to read online. Just what you have been waiting for! You can find them on DAB, or online
Sophrologie with a native French speaker
My friend Michèle Bouriaux is a qualified sophrologist and will guide you through :
An easy to learn technique involving breathing, small movements and visualisation. Designed for people who wish to add wellbeing into their daily life: TO IMPROVE SLEEP, MANAGE STRESS, ANXIETY, OR SIMPLY RELAX, TO HELP CONFRONT SITUATIONS SUCH AS EXAMS, SPORTS COMPETITIONS OR SPEECHES, TO DEVELOP CREATIVITY, RE-LIVE THE 5 SENSES, TO BUILD CONFIDENCE, TO PERFORM BETTER AT WORK.
Translation service
My friend Emmanuelle Gold (Tunbridge Wells) is a qualified IOL freelance translator. A generalist first of all she provides a quality translation and proof-reading service on a wide range of texts from English into French and French into English, including specialised translation on business and many social science texts from English into French. She also translates registry office certificates into both languages. You can call her on 01892 513850 or email her at to discuss your needs.